Acorns Small Pinecones
Christmas Cactus Palm Pod
Baby Corn Pinapple
small conch Dragon Tail Pouch
Sunflower center Oak Leaf
Fluted Shell Crab Claw
Barnacles Oysters
I have a great love of texture, design and the golden ratio. I find myself fascinated on walks by the ways I see these amazing phenomenon present themselves in nature. These pieces are hand molded from natural elements. Then they are cast, trimmed, and gilded or painted. Each design element becomes part of the greater design when the pieces are combined together in a large grouping. To date, I have more than 100 molds and the possibilities are endless for amazing art! Check out the NEW Golden Ratio Collections ​below
Edible Collection
Asparagus Bottoms Bumpy Squash
Myrtle Berries Tree Nuts
Mermaids Purse Conical Shell
Clam Shell Bumpy Starfish
Palm Frond Cactus Bud
Garlic Pecans
The Marine Collection
The Flora Collection
Coral Sea Disc
Helicopters Lily Stems
Okra Artichoke
Peach Pits Bell Peppers